December 09, 2020
Making the Most of the Holidays Despite Divorce
Practice Area: Family Law | Tag: Divorce

Separation and divorce are always hard, but never harder for adults and kids alike than during the holiday season when memories and traditions seem to flood our minds. Making it through the holidays when you’re going through or recently divorced presents unique challenges and struggles. Here’s how to ensure you and your family enjoy the holidays despite of divorce.
Tips for Managing the Holidays
- Communicate Honestly. Change is hard, but that doesn’t mean the holidays won’t be special. Make a plan with your ex that includes how you’ll approach the holidays, events, and custody. Talk with your ex, children, and family about what they can expect. Be honest and stay positive. Communicate with compassion and honesty and you’ll all be more at ease.
- Make It about the Kids. The holidays are magical times for children, but changes in your family will inevitably change how you celebrate. This can be hard for children. Do your best to focus on their needs and desires for the season. Respect your custody agreement while trying to keep as much the same as possible. This means working with your ex and sharing events and special experiences that your kids look forward to. Above all else, stay positive for their sake!
- Enjoy New Traditions. Inevitably there will be some alone time for you during the holidays. While you may dread this, try to look at it as an opportunity. Do something you’ve always wanted to do, something your ex dreaded. You have more freedom and independence now. Embrace it this holiday season.
- Focus on Your Well-Being. Chances are this season is going to come with highs and lows. There will be joyful times (those new traditions) but also times of grief and even loneliness. Focus on your emotional health, allowing yourself to experience your feelings as they come. Reach out to friends, exercise, and make healthy choices so your holidays are as stress-free as possible.
The holidays can still be great despite your divorce. Sure, things will be different, but you can make that a good thing! Focusing on the kids and celebrating in old and new ways can turn this holiday into your best yet!